What Are the Best Ways to Treat Plantar Fasciitis? | U.S. News interviews Dr. Tom Ingegno, DACM, LAc

"In many cases, acupuncturists can treat the condition with little to no pain," says Tom Ingegno, a licensed acupuncturist with Charm City Integrative Health in Baltimore. "The course of treatment varies depending on the severity and the patient's general health, but most people may see significant improvement within the first few treatments."

Please visit https://health.usnews.com/health-care/patient-advice/articles/tips-to-manage-plantar-fasciitis?src=usn_tw to read more!

5 Reasons Why Our Baltimore Acupuncture Clinic is Different

5 Reasons Why Our Baltimore Acupuncture Clinic is Different

My name is Dr. Tom Ingegno, DACM, LASC, MSOM. I’ve had my own Acupuncture practice since 2001 and began my Acupuncture training in 1998 - which seems like a lifetime ago!

I’ve watched acupuncture get referred to as “New Age”, “Alternative”, “Complementary”, and most recently ”Integrative”. Each new term seems to give Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian medicine more respect, which I’m ecstatic to see.

Acupuncture as a formalized system dates back at least 2,700 years, but mentionings of “needle therapy” go back as far as 9,000 years. In addition, modern research has backed up many of the benefits of acupuncture that practitioners have known for eons.

What makes our Baltimore Acupuncture Clinic different? Truthfully, there are more reasons than this, but I’d like to touch on a few that I feel make Charm City Integrative Health really stand out.

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Creating a New "Normal"

Hello Everyone,

“May you live in interesting times” is an expression of debated origin and represents both a blessing and a curse. While overused, it reflects the thoughts and feelings of everyone this year.  

I cannot think of another time that is both terrifying and shows the possibility of significant positive change. 

The “new normal” has us questioning our values and the value we place on external systems.  With all of these concurrent events, it is essential to remember that we must take things as they come and stay present. 

In truth, there is one thing we can be in control of ourselves. Keeping ourselves up and running by developing good health habits can help us get through this. While our services can help improve your immune system, I’m not just referring to that. I’m talking about self-care to keep your mind together. With the amount of stress we are all feeling, now is the perfect time to prioritize your health. Not only can it help keep you up and running, but it will make you a better human. Right now, we all need to be better humans.    

I am happy to say that we are back open for nearly all our services, and have re-opened our membership programs. We are still following strict social distancing, mask-wearing, and cleaning protocols, but we are here for you. If you’re looking to come back now, go ahead and book online or give the office a call. Please understand that we are keeping staffing to a minimum now and may not answer but will return every voicemail as soon as possible.

If you’re not ready to come back yet, that’s okay. We still have several options for you. Our medical cannabis certifications, performed by Marijane Consults and our nutritionist, Caitlin Self, can work with you via telehealth. If you’re looking for IV therapy, you can come to the office, or our partners at Thrive Mobile IV can come to you. If you do reach out to any of them, please let them know that we sent you. 

If you’re looking to start or continue a meditation practice, I put together a free meditation course on Udemy. I have some more courses coming out soon.  I’m also keeping some telehealth appointments available as well, including a short “Just Talk”  appointment in case you need me.

Charm City Integrative Health - New Normal Self Care.jpg

I’m always trying to improve and add to our services here and I’m working on another “secret” project that will be of tremendous value and allow people to receive multiple services at once.  Consider this a teaser as I’m still working out the details and hope to roll this out late fall, early winter.  

If you need anything, please reach out.  We need to be there for each other more than we ever have.  

Dr. Tom

Charm City Integrative Health: Clinic Status Update

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March 14, 2020

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to update you on our current clinic status. We are open and will remain so until we either feel we cannot safely ensure your health or we are mandated to close. While no one knows the exact impact of this disease we hope that everyone remains as calm as possible. The general panic and rush to clear shelves at grocery stores is a testament to how this pandemic is adding to everyone’s stress levels.  

In the office, we already had a cleaning procedure for anything that would be in contact with patients/clients. We have reviewed our procedures and have added additional cleaning and safety precautions to better ensure your health.  We have a Purell dispenser as you enter and leave our office and we have been wiping surfaces like light switches, door handles and equipment between clients and throughout the day. We have talked with our cleaning crew about implementing some additional safeguards when they clean. Aurora has offered to expand acupuncture hours on both Friday and Saturday afternoons to help better accommodate clients in order to help as many people as we possibly can.  

We ask that if you feel under the weather, please call us to cancel, but if you are able to, please keep your appointments. Many of the services we offer here have been demonstrated to improve immune system function and may help you to stay healthy.  While we cannot speak to coronavirus specifically, as it is too new, we are confident we can help you tonify your immune system prior to getting sick. Many of our services also help relax and calm which also has been shown to keep your immune system in optimal health. I am telling you these things not to have people rushing in, but to let you know that we wish to be of the best possible service during these stressful times.  

As a small business owner and human with a family, I understand your fears, anxiety and stress.  The staff and I are going to be closely monitoring the situation and making necessary arrangements whenever needed.  For however long we need to we will post some online content that may be useful for stress reduction and general health and immune system tips.  

If you have any questions or requests please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 443-869-6584

While there is clearly nothing good about a pandemic, I’m hoping that during this time of “social distancing” we can realize how we are all interconnected to humanity and the planet as a whole.  

Please stay safe and calm and know that all of us at CCIH will continue to serve you as best as we can.  


Dr. Tom

Dr. Tom in "Your Tango" Magazine - It's More Than Just Weight!

Credit: Your Tango Magazine

Credit: Your Tango Magazine

Does Acupuncture Help With Weight Loss?

There's a lot that can be going on when you gain weight, and acupuncture can actually help with many of those things.

Recently, Dr. Tom Ingegno was asked to voice his opinion in YourTango Magazine:

“Weight gain can come from a variety of issues. Looking into the realm of functional medicine, weight gain may be due hormone imbalance, bad gut health, or stress inducing high cortisol levels. Acupuncture can’t magically help people lose weight, but can help resolve some of these underlying issues. Studies have shown that acupuncture combined with diet and exercise can help patients lose about an additional pound a week,” advises Dr. Tom Ingegno, DACM, who owns an integrative medical center in Baltimore, MD.”

To read the entire article, please visit https://www.yourtango.com/2019321972/does-acupuncture-help-with-weight-loss.

Charm City Integrative Health: A Path to Healing

Path to Healing

We recently got a lovely letter from one of our patients that had received acupuncture for chronic pain back in 2010/2011. Wonderful to hear about her journey to healing and living pain free. (Seriously, this just made our day!)

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Hello! I’ve been meaning to write this email for some time, because I think it’s important for people who live with chronic pain to know that acupuncture can really help. 

Several years ago, probably around 2010/2011, I came to a community acupuncture session that Tom was giving. I asked him if acupuncture could help with a coccyx injury. As a person in my mid-late 20s, I’d experienced chronic pain in that region for about 6 years that led to cortisol injections, physical therapy (which made it worse), and even a consultation with a spinal surgeon. I never had a fall or any trauma to that area so it wasn’t a surprise that traditional western treatments weren’t working. Tom said it could help, but he made no promises. 

After what was probably a few weeks of treatment, I stopped thinking about the pain, and I remember that I wasn’t wincing every time I shifted my body when I was sitting in a chair. It was taking the edge off and that was all I ever hoped for. That and no more cortisol injections. After a couple months I stopped treatment, thinking this was as good as it was gonna get. 

But one day, maybe a month or two after I stopped treatment, I realized there was no more pain. I didn’t understand why or how, but it was gone! I knew it had to be the acupuncture. Nothing else had changed. I’ve been pain-free ever since. And I’ve always meant to let Tom know that but never took the time. 

Fast forward to 2016 when I started seeing a healer, and I’m actually about to begin seeing my first reiki clients! It’s amazing how the whole process helped me to understand why acupuncture worked, circumstances that led to the issue in the first place, and so much more. 

I just wanted to say how grateful I am for the treatments I received. I also want to make sure Tom knows that he was successful in healing someone with severe chronic pain at that location. Please let people with pain know there is help for them and they don’t have to go the traditional western medicine route which is invasive, expensive, and for me, was very painful. Thank you so much for what you do every day.

With love,

VIDEO: 3 Simple Tips to Help You Be More Limber and Move with Less Pain!

It can be tough to find the right option in alternative medicine these days. With so many choices, the search can seem difficult but it's easy if you know the right questions to ask.

Today's local holistic expert is here to give you some great tips to help you find the right professional who will quickly treat your issues.

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