7 Healthy Tips For Coping with Financial Stress

Charm City Integrative Health - Stress and Money

If you feel stressed you're just living your life, you’re not alone

Americans lead stressful lives.  Jobs, relationships, health, family obligations, community responsibilities—they all take their toll.

In “Stress in America”, an annual survey by the American Psychology Association, 1 in 5 respondents reported an extreme stress level of 8, 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale.  In that same group, 69% of respondents reported physical or non-physical symptoms of stress, including irritability or anger, fatigue, feeling overwhelmed or changes in their sleep.

The top source of stress according to 69% of the respondents is money.

Coping with money worries is difficult for many people.  You may feel lost or out of control.  You may argue with your spouse.  And ironically, you may go on a shopping spree to try to relieve your stress.

7 Healthy Tips for Coping with Financial Stress

1) Take breaks from the computer.  Computer work is hard on your neck and shoulders and for many people, financial work is the most stressful computer work of all.  All this stress can lead to a sore neck, shoulders, and back. Get up every 45 minutes to walk around and stretch.  Take deep breaths.  Keep your body relaxed so your emotions stay level.

2) Take charge of your finances.  Track your earnings and spending every day for a month.  Be ruthless and write down every penny. When you have a clear picture of your income and expenses make a reasonable spending plan which keeps them balanced.  Don’t budget for what you hope you’ll make or wish you’ll spend.  Be realistic.  Having a budget will give you control and reduce your financial stress.

 3) Plan your splurges.  It’s difficult to stick with a financial plan if you feel like it is overly restrictive and deprives you of what you love.  Create a  budget for reasonable treats.  Plan to spend money on the things that give you the most pleasure.

 4) Balance making more with spending less.  Sometimes taking extra shifts at work is smart and sometimes spending less is the best plan.  Make conscious choices about which strategy gives you the most pleasure and the least financial stress.

 5) Plan your shopping trips to avoid impulse buys.  Shopping can be stressful when you’re worried about money.  Shop when you are fed, hydrated and relaxed. Shopping sales seem like a smart idea but if you buy because you’re afraid you will never see such great prices again, they cost you money.  When you shop sales buy only what you planned.  Don’t fall prey to “Sale Fever.”

 6) Find support.  Sharing your financial triumphs and frustrations with a friend can be a big help in dealing with your financial stress.  A friendly ear gives you feedback when you’re tempted to blow your budget and accountability when you get lax.

 7) Stay Calm.  If you feel panic because you can’t pay your bills, remember to breathe.  Think about what your next step should be, resist negative thoughts or making your circumstances huge.  Remember similar times when you managed your problems successfully.

When you worry about money it is especially important to take care of your health.  Remember to do your healthy routines.  Exercise, eat well and get enough sleep.

Take steps to manage your financial stress.  Call me if you need help relieving your stress symptoms. 443-869-6584

Don’t forget to get some acupuncture!